Data Integration/BI/ERP++/Workflow Implementations that are easily adapted to match your business needs
Experience the Windfall Business Growth Products Advantage!

Rapid Implementations
Evergreen Software
Superior Return on your Investment

Our Windfall Dev-Ops platform enables tailoring of your implemented solutions to match your business needs. You can leverage your existing investments and fill the gaps with partial or full implementations of our flexible and adaptable Business Growth Products
Windfall - We Have You Covered

Accelerated Implementations
High quality Enterprise solutions (Data Integration/ERP++/Workflow) that are delivered very efficiently
Evergreen Implementations
Solutions (Data Integration/ERP++/Workflow) that easily adapt to changing functional and performance requirements.
Superior Return on Investment
Efficient solutions + low total cost of ownership + flexible, predictable pricing = Superior Return on Investment

Using our flexible Windfall Business Components and Dev-Ops Platform we can quickly assemble solutions to fill the gaps in your organization, leveraging your existing investments, or replacing them with full solutions on one common platform. Our Windfall solutions include:
Business Growth Autopilot (Enterprise Workflow) - Modern, fresh and intuitive. With just a few simple clicks without any programming you can fully automate all your processes in your organization
Business Growth Engine Manufacturing, Retail and Distribution (ERP++) - Modern Lean Manufacturing/Retail product built with the latest technology, offering an easy-to-use-interface which makes for a great user experience, a “forever” system you can finally love!
Business Growth Dev-Ops Engine Platform - Enabler for tailoring your implemented solutions so they match your business needs
Business Growth Data (System/Data Integration and BI) - Easily integrate data from your existing system and put control back in your hands
Our innovative pricing model is simple, clear and eliminates your risks of going over budget
Join Our Happy Customers
Companies Enjoying the Advantages of our Solutions.

Let ProQuality be Your Full Service Partner
Let us show you how we can help you to achieve your goals on time and with a superior Return on your Investment.

Florin S. Oprea
MAXIM - Dir. Equipment Engineering
“Our requirement was to develop a CMMS for managing our PM activity and other aspects of our group. RELAX™/Windfall made this possible by allowing us to make on-the-fly changes to our design in a short time. I highly recommend RELAX™/Windfall for anyone requiring minimal development time, and minimal long-term maintenance.”

Jim Pepper
Prologic Technology Systems - Owner
“The RELAX/Windfall product has enabled Prologic to build TEAMS, a very sophisticated state of the art Commercial Student and Financial ERP System with fewer resources in a timely manner. With RELAX/Windfall we were able to quickly respond to our client’s needs and thus build durable long-term relationships.”

Paula Biestek
Program Manager - Abbott Laboratories
“We appreciate the participation of ProQuality in the successful completion of the Abbott Site Survey project. Using ProQuality’s RELAX™ framework, we were able to develop the project with fairly complex requirements in a short period and within budget. We would definitely hire ProQuality again.”

Bill Dagle
VHA - Project Manager
“Within a week, ProQuality delivered a production-ready proof of concept that captured the attention of the VHA team. ProQuality then developed a SOX compliance application that allows VHA to cost effectively manage compliance and risk throughout the enterprise.”

R. F.
American Airlines - Project Manager
“I’m not going to say a traditional 'thank you,' because that wouldn’t be adequate to express my appreciation for all you have done to complete this beast of an Integration project. You are an amazing team – it is my privilege to work with every one of you.”

Tom Townsend
SRS Distribution - Digital Innovation Director
“As you may be aware I am highly impressed with PQ and your team. I’ve been involved in technology for about 16 years now, and your team is the real deal. I look forward to the future.”

Bill Schaad
Smith System - CFO
“When I went to our current supplier and laid out our plan for the future, they showed no interest in helping us solve our problems. They did offer us additional modules that might work, but every module came with a steep price tag, a long learning curve and implementation process — but most of all, no true explanation of how it would solve our issues.
Within 14 days, ProQuality presented a plan to build customized software for us that would fit our company like a hand in a glove. Wow, thank you ProQuality!”
Our case studies
See all case studies
Global credit card processing solution delivered in record time, under budget with zero defects.
TEAMS - Commercial Student and Financial and K1-12 School ERP system with 1000s of…
Web services and supply chain automation solutions delivered when others failed.
Modern Lean Manufacturing ERP++ implemented successfully with great ROI savings
Production ready Sarbanes-Oxley Proof Of Concept delivered successfully